

Jenny Ward Angyal
Editor, Tanka, Tanka Prose & Tanka Sequences

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Jenny Ward Angyal grew up in rural Connecticut and now lives with her husband on a small organic farm in central North Carolina. She has two sons and three grandchildren. She composed her first poem at the age of five and has written tanka since 2008. Her tanka (and occasionally haiku) have appeared widely in journals and anthologies. She is the author of two tanka collections, Moonlight on Water and Only the Dance, and co-author of Beetles & Stars: Tanka Triptychs. She co-edited the Tanka Society of America’s 2016 Members’ Anthology, Ripples in the Sand, and served for over five years as Reviews and Features Editor for Skylark: A Tanka Journal. She currently serves as Global Moderator of Inkstone Poetry Forum. .