harvest moon
four deer ambling
across the field
from the homeland
dried persimmons
remembered chestnuts
from the New World
grandmother knitting
in the firelight
children chase
along the stream
the rush
of our first kiss
giving out
to the Bacchanalia
an otter steals
a fish from the weir
steel drums
on the beach
in mid-day rain
silent mass
graves at Bucha
is there
a lee side
to a black hole?
political attack ads
now year round
the morning after
our first fight
still together
having sex
to stay warm
ancient glacier
moving moonlight
the two year old
learns no
the special theory
knowing I’m wrong
glass shards sparkle
on the kite strings
a plum blossom
drifts into
my tea
along the towpath
bluebells wave
by Elizabeth Black, Ryland Shengzhi Li, Lee Giesecke, and Linda Weir
members of the Towpath Haiku group of the Washington DC