In closing out 2024, I want to thank our poets, from all walks of life, who have worked so diligently at their craft. In the end, it is these poets that are the reason Under the Bashō remains an extraordinary online journal. The talent represented between the covers of UtB 2024, is profound. Stephen and I are grateful for your offerings with open arms.
From time to time, I have been asked, “How do you choose what to accept?” Luckily, I have editors that do that job but frankly, the answer is, “I want to accept your poem and will do my best to do so.” Our editors are not biased as to style/technique; they are open hearted to see it your way. Yes, we look for reasons to accept your work, not reject it. We do not, to the best of our ability, place our perspectives as to what is good or not onto your submissions. We attempt to look at all submissions through the poets’ eyes.
Writing poetry is an art. We all have different ideas about haiku, haibun, haiga and the others. UtB stands alone in the notion that, we will publish good poems without bias as to style; we won’t argue the finer details of what makes a haiku. In accepting different views, we remain open to some really great poetry that could otherwise be turned down. Naturally, we will not publish “just anything.” That is also not our desire. “Being mindful about personal artistic expression” is the core quality I look for in a good editor.
In any collection of poetry, there will be poems that are less impactful than others. Well, that’s what makes the world go-round — it’s fine. Along with that though, there will always be a few poems that shine! But as editors, we look to see if the poem is solid and that it leaves readers at large an opportunity to determine what they like or not like. It is not our job either way; it is our job to discover wonderful poetry and publish it.
We hope that you enjoyed reading the Under the Bashō online journal. We also hope that you discovered a few gems that strike your fancy. If so, the journal, the poets, and the reader have done their jobs!
See you in 2025!
Thanks and blessings.
A Note from the Desk
- Details
- Written by: Don Baird