
After the Big Bang, all photons were trapped in a hot and thick soup of matter. The universe was opaque to light but then it expanded rapidly and cooled enough to allow electrons to bond with protons. As a result, the first neutral atoms of hydrogen were formed, at the same time releasing light and turning the universe transparent.

sleepless night
switching the light on
and off

Presumably, the evaporation of the last black hole in the universe will cause the last flash of light, most likely unnoticeable to anyone or anything. The expansion of the universe will eventually lead to photonic cooling, approaching absolute zero and rendering time to become meaningless at the Big Freeze.

farewell message
the last full stop
triggers memories

Perhaps a collision of our dying universe with a parallel one may ignite another Big Bang, creating a baby universe and opening a brave new volume of photon tales.

harvest moon
a pear snack boots up
the belly kicking